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Ace Your Pace
(Personal Effectiveness)

Life can be tough at times and there's no denying that. But you should never let your work suffer because of it! Ace Your Pace is all about making sure you're in peak form as much as possible, both physically and mentally.

This program covers a wide array of skills that will help you reach your full potential at work, while also giving you the tools to overcome any personal challenges that may arise along the way. From improved communication skills to understanding how to manage stress & anxiety, this program has everything you need to become an efficient and effective worker!

Session Outline

Module 1 - Attitude for Altitude (AoA)

This module will make them aware of their attitude at work, importance of positive attitude and equip them with tips on how to practice a more positive outlook in life.

Module 2 - Stress Management

This module will help them understand the different types of stresses, their unique stressor and how to manage it better. Thereby equipping them with better attention span & energy levels.

Module 3 - Essentials of Communication 

This module will explain the essentials of communication skills and how to overcome the barriers to get better results.

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